Saturday, March 29, 2014

English Research Seminar

Students and staff from all faculties are invited to a talk by English PhD student Marjan Shokouhi on Wednesday 2nd April 2014 at 5.00pm (Priestman 313). Marjan's paper is entitled 'Love and the Big City: Patrick Kavanagh in Dublin'.

Patrick Kavanagh by Patrick Swift (1960)

Monday, March 17, 2014

David Fallon on Samuel Johnson

Samuel Johnson
by Joshua Reynolds (1775)
Dr David Fallon has published an article on the importance of booksellers' shops in Samuel Johnson's literary life, focusing in particular on the pivotal role played by Thomas Davies's shop in Covent Garden, the place where Johnson and James Boswell first met. The essay, which appears in The New Rambler - the journal of the Johnson Society of London - also considers wider questions about booksellers' shops in eighteenth-century London as meeting places for a range of literary and political groups.

David Fallon (2014). 'Samuel Johnson and the Booksellers'. The New Rambler: The Journal of the Johnson Society of London. 15: 59-70.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

English Research Seminar

Dr Susan Mandala (English) will be giving a talk entitled 'The Archaic in George R.R. Martin's Novel A Game of Thrones: Re-Assessing Heroic Fiction on Stylistic Grounds'. English Research Seminars are open to staff and students from all faculties. Date and time: Wednesday 19th March at 5pm. Venue: Priestman 313.

Friday, March 07, 2014

Sarah Hackett in the History Lab

Dr Sarah Hackett
At 5.00pm on Tuesday 11th March 2014 Dr Sarah Hackett of Bath Spa University will be giving a talk for the History Lab entitled '"Keeping up with the Khans": Ambition and Authority amongst Immigrant Communities in British and German Neighbourhoods c. 1960s-1990s'. Venue: Priestman 101.


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