Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The New North East

On Monday 13th July 2015 the Department of Culture will be hosting a one-day symposium focused on our region entitled ‘The New North East’. This interdisciplinary gathering - which takes place in the Prospect Building, St Peter's Campus - will bring together scholars and practitioners working in the field of ‘cultural studies’ (broadly understood to include history, literature, linguistics, visual arts and media studies). It is hoped that the forum will allow participants to share developments in their disciplines, especially those which have opened up new avenues of research and/or shed new light on more traditional objects of enquiry in the study of North East England and North East Englishness. We hope the exciting range of talks will attract interest from academics, students and members of the public from across the region. The confirmed speakers are:

Registration (which is free of charge) is required. You can reserve your place by visiting the University's online shop here. A free light lunch and refreshments will be provided. If you prefer not to register online, contact Dr Michael Pearce at and he will register on your behalf.

    Monday, November 24, 2014

    The Journal of Intercultural Inquiry

    The Department of Culture, in conjunction with Scientia, is pleased to announce the launch of a new academic journal. The Journal of Intercultural Inquiry, which is edited by Drs Geoff Nash and Mike Pearce, is a refereed, peer-reviewed publication for scholars, researchers, students, and teachers who are interested in intercultural engagement in a globalized world.

    The journal offers a forum for critical debate and publication of research in the expanding field of intercultural inquiry. We see the concepts underpinning this area of study as fluid, dynamic and diverse, enlisting a variety of views and perspectives. The approach is interdisciplinary and its remit widely construed to include: language and communications, foreign languages, applied linguistics and translation, literary, historical, cultural and sociological studies, law, political science and international relations. For further information, visit the website or email

    Tuesday, November 18, 2014

    Privacy, punishment and the press

    Patrick Low (PhD student, Department of Culture) will be giving a paper at Durham University entitled 'Privacy, Punishment and the Press'. His talk takes place at The Centre for Nineteenth Century Studies (CNCS) Postgraduate Research Conversation in the Institute of Advanced Study Seminar Room on 20th November 2014 (4-6pm). Further details can be found here.

    Monday, November 10, 2014

    English Research Seminar

    Professor Steve Walsh (School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences at Newcastle University) will be giving an English Research Seminar talk on Wednesday 12th November 2014. His topic is 'Analysing university spoken interaction: A corpus linguistics/conversation analysis approach.' The talk begins at 5pm in Priestman 313 and students and staff from all faculties are welcome.


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