Tuesday, January 21, 2014

PhD studentships

Murray Library. Photo by Kay Grieves

The Faculty of Education and Society, Department of Culture is offering four fully funded Humanities Studentships (full fees and maintenance grant at Research Council rate) for suitably qualified candidates. Applicants should already possess a very good BA Honours degree. A relevant Masters qualification would be an additional advantage. The scholarships are funded by the Culture and Regional Studies Beacon. Applications are invited in the following areas: English Literature and Linguistics; History; Politics.

More details can be found on The Guardian's job site here. Dr Geoff Nash can also be contacted for further information about this opportunity (geoff.nash@sunderland.ac.uk).

Closing date 14th February 2014.

Monday, January 20, 2014

English Research Seminars

George R.R. Martin.
Source: Wikipedia
This semester there are four English Research Seminars featuring speakers from the University of Sunderland. Jamie Spears, a PhD student in English, kicks off the series with a talk entitled 'Late Victorian and Fin de Siรจcle Spiritualism in the North East' on Wednesday 19th February. On 19th March Dr Susan Mandala will present on 'The Archaic in George R.R. Martin's Novel A Game of Thrones: Re-Assessing Heroic Fiction on Stylistic Grounds'. PhD student Marjan Shokouhi will speak on 'Love and the Big City: Patrick Kavanagh in Dublin' on 2nd April. These events take place in Priestman 313 and start at 5pm. The final seminar will be given in June by Peter Dempsey and is entitled 'Morte D'Author: Philip Roth and the Writing Life' (date to be confirmed). As usual, student and staff from all faculties are welcome.


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