Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Borges and beyond

Dr Miguel Gomes has recently given a paper at the 31st International Conference of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature (SELIM). Entitled 'Borges and Beyond: Reception and Translation of The Old English Dialogues of Solomon and Saturn in the Spanish Speaking World', Miguel's paper explored Borges’ interest and understanding of these rather unusual Anglo-Saxon texts featuring King Solomon and the pagan Saturn. Miguel explored Borges’ engagement with these texts from a perspective taking into account both recent scholarship and a number of translations of the Dialogues into other modern languages.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Dr Marion Phillips' Blue Plaque

Research by Dr Sarah Hellawell into female political activism in the North East has led to her discovering more about Sunderland's first female member of parliament, Dr Marion Phillips.  A blue plaque to mark Marion's role and the former location of the Labour party's committee rooms in Sunderland was unveiled on Friday 13th September.  The event was attended by Houghton and Sunderland South MP, Bridget Phillipson, Sunderland's mayor, Mr David Snowdon and mayoress, Mrs Dianne Snowdon, and about 50 others from the local community and representatives of the university.  This group also included young activists, NEFlow and students from St Wilfrid's RC College who help run the Canny Clean project.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Angela Smith on British widows of the First World War

Angela Smith recently presented a talk based on her research relating to British widows of the First World War to the University of the Third Age (U3A), Newcastle.  This research is also being drawn on by the producers of the social history television programme, A House Through Time. Angela has been helping to explain more of the lives and social context of some of the residents of an old house in Bristol for the third series of the show, which is due to be broadcast in spring 2020.


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